
Lighter, More Efficient Solar Cells Look Like Your Retina

Solar cells for your handheld devices may up to now represent around corner. A recent discovery in the exotic visual effects on the nanoscale allows thinner and lighter solar cells to absorb a broader spectrum of light.

Today solar cells are expensive and bulky–farthermost unreachable for the common consumer, and non terribly practical for small devices that you want to behave more or less in your pocket. Accordant to Engineering science Review the typical solar leastways 100 micrometers gelatinlike. While the research centers and businesses about the cosmos are pushing toward thinner star cells, these thinner cells have peerless major drawback: they father't absorb as much light as their thicker counterparts.

Luckily, a young technology could someday change all of this and fetch lighter, thinner, and more efficient solar cells to even the smallest of our gadgets. Harry Atwater, a professor of Applied Physics and Materials at Caltech, and Koray Aydin, assistant professor of EE and Computer Skill Northwestern University, have discovered that by creating nanoscale wedge shapes with a wide base and a pointy tip, a substantial could capture a broader spectrum of light.

The wavelengths for waves on the electromagnetic spectrum range from picometers (10^-12) to the 100s of megameters (10^6), so in that respect's a lot of ground to cover. The typical photovoltaic cell can only make use of waves within a narrow band of the already-nail down visible spectrum which covers only almost 390- to 750-nanometer wavelengths.

Atwater and Aydin worked in collaboration to develop a tiptop-absorbant star cellular telephone using a holding called optical resonance. When a radio emission hits an antenna, the antenna will resonate, absorbing certain radio waves depending the antenna's size. The same can be said for temperate; when light hits a certain sized structure, the structure resonates at a in for frequency, and that structure can only absorb destined wavelengths of light. This is also similar to how the rods and cones work in your oculus–to each one sizing of rods and cones absorbs a different wavelength.

The solar material developed by Atwater and Aydin uses nanoscale wedges that are of all different lengths ,with spinous tops and wide bases. Aristocratic light (440–500 nm) is absorbed at the tip and warning light (625–740 nm) is enwrapped at the base.

The material is made from a facile base with a layer of Si dioxide to a higher place information technology, and finally a bed of facile with the etched out wedges. The wedges are 40 nanometers at their tips and the total thickness of the motion-picture show material has been demonstrated at 260 nm, nonetheless, according to Technology Review, the group has also made a film 220 nm that can absorb the same measure of light as an unpatterned film that's 25 times thicker.

According to their published findings in the journal Nature (you'll need a subscription Beaver State to buy the article to witness information technology), the film can also absorb light over the entire overt spectrum with an average measured absorbtion of 71% and a artificial absorption of 85%.

Some day this new material could pull through to your laptop, or even your cellphone phone. That linked with super-fast charging batteries, the future sure looks reverberant!

[Nature via Technology Review]

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